Why Religion Demonized Witchcraft: The Truth

Hey, my magical beings! 💜🔮Today, we’re diving into a topic that’s both fascinating and a bit heavy—why religion, particularly organized religion, demonized witchcraft for so long. It’s a question many of us ask as we step into our own power and reconnect with the ancient wisdom that’s always been within us. So, let’s explore the historical truths behind this, shall we?

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Creating a Sacred Space for Spellwork and Rituals

In the practice of witchcraft and spiritual work, the creation of a sacred space or altar is a vital step. This space serves as a focal point for your energy, intentions, and connection to the divine. It is where the physical and spiritual worlds meet, and where your magic is amplified. Whether you are casting spells, performing rituals, or simply meditating, having a dedicated area can enhance the power and focus of your work.

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Lion’s Gate Abundance Spell: Harnessing the Power of the Portal

The Lion’s Gate Portal is a powerful cosmic event that occurs every year between July 26th and August 12th, with its peak on August 8th (8/8). This celestial alignment is when the Earth, the Sun in Leo, and the star Sirius align, creating a potent energetic gateway that amplifies manifestations and spiritual growth. The energy shift during the Lion’s Gate Portal is an ideal time for setting intentions, attracting abundance, and aligning with your highest self. But here’s the secret—this spell can be done at any time to call forth prosperity and abundance into your life. Let’s dive into the spell and see how you can tap into this powerful energy.

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