Lion’s Gate Abundance Spell: Harnessing the Power of the Portal

Published on 9 August 2024 at 11:23

The Lion’s Gate Portal is a powerful cosmic event that occurs every year between July 26th and August 12th, with its peak on August 8th (8/8). This celestial alignment is when the Earth, the Sun in Leo, and the star Sirius align, creating a potent energetic gateway that amplifies manifestations and spiritual growth. The energy shift during the Lion’s Gate Portal is an ideal time for setting intentions, attracting abundance, and aligning with your highest self. But here’s the secret—this spell can be done at any time to call forth prosperity and abundance into your life. Let’s dive into the spell and see how you can tap into this powerful energy.

Setting the Stage: Creating Your Sacred Space


Before you begin, it’s essential to create an altar or a sacred space where the energy can flow freely. Choose a quiet spot in your home where you can perform this ritual without interruptions. Cleanse your space with sage, palo santo, or your preferred cleansing method to remove any negative energies lingering in the area. Once your space is cleansed, bless it with your intention of calling in abundance. You’re now ready to work your magic.


Tools You’ll Need:

- A purple or gold candle (colors that resonate with abundance and spiritual growth)

- Abundance oil (anointing oil infused with herbs and oils that attract wealth and prosperity)

- A sacred space or altar

- Any items that connect you with your ancestors or symbols of protection


The Lion’s Gate Abundance Spell


With your sacred space prepared and your candle anointed with abundance oil, you’re ready to begin. This spell not only calls upon the energies of the Lion’s Gate Portal but also invites your ancestors and the universe to lend their protection and blessings.


Step 1 Light the Candle


Take a moment to center yourself. Hold the candle between your hands, close your eyes, and focus on your intention to attract abundance. Visualize a golden light surrounding you, filling your heart and your space with prosperity and wealth. When you feel ready, light the candle.


Step 2 Call Upon Your Ancestors and the Universe


Begin by calling upon your ancestors and the universe to protect you and guide you during this spell. Feel their presence surrounding you, offering their wisdom and support.

With the candle burning bright, speak the following words aloud


By the Lion’s Gate, I call to thee,

Ancestors wise, protect and see,

Universe vast, bring forth my plea,

Wealth and abundance, flow to me.

By candle’s light and sacred oil,

I call forth riches, and blessings to toil.

In purple flame, prosperity grows,

By gold’s warm glow, my fortune flows.

Guardians of old, spirits of might,

Guide my steps, with power and light.

By the power of 3 times 3,

So mote it be, so mote it be.


Focus on the Flame


Spend a few moments focusing on the candle’s flame. Imagine it burning away any blocks to abundance in your life, clearing the path for wealth and prosperity to flow freely to you. Feel the warmth and energy of the candle, knowing that your intentions are being heard and amplified by the universe.


When you feel the energy shift, know that your work is done. Thank your ancestors, the universe, and any spirits you called upon. Allow the candle to burn down completely, or snuff it out if you need to, with the intention that your spell is complete.


As with any spell or ritual, the most crucial ingredient is your belief in your own power. The Lion’s Gate Portal offers a potent energy shift, but it is your unwavering faith in your ability to manifest that will truly bring your intentions to life. Trust in the magic you create, and know that the universe is always working in your favor. The energy of abundance is all around you—believe that it is yours to claim.


When you cast this spell, you’re not just performing a ritual; you’re making a powerful statement to the universe that you are ready to receive the blessings you deserve. Stand in your power, embrace your worth, and know that the abundance you seek is already on its way to you.




The Lion’s Gate Abundance Spell is a beautiful way to harness the energy of the cosmos to bring prosperity into your life. Remember, this spell is just as powerful any time of the year—whenever you need to draw abundance, protection, and the support of your ancestors. Stay tuned for our upcoming blog on how to make your own abundance oil, so you can continue to enhance your rituals and manifest your dreams

By weaving belief, intention, and the support of your ancestors, you’re not only casting a spell but also creating a powerful connection with the universe. Embrace your magic and watch the abundance flow into your life.

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2 months ago

Sounds so powerful. I have trouble trusting myself and my power. I will try this spell and try to have more faith. Thank you.